I suppose the blog posts will be in blurbs like this and then I'll move the older ones to the bottom as I continue? For now, this is the newest one. I got a new mattress and a new chair, which my bank account didn't appreciate but my body is thanking me in every way. I'm starting school on Wednesday, I realized that one of my in person classes is in the building that I would be most likely to run into my ex, so I've mentally prepared myself as to what I would say. (If she talks to me, otherwise I am giving myself permission to just run away).

The first time I read Murakami I really enjoyed his sporadic writing style and it made me feel that I could write a book. Reading it 5 years later, I feel the same, but holy shit does he talk about women's bodies in the worst way. Maybe the most post-modernist take is that he's doing self-exposure through his genuine writing, but the phrase "well shaped breasts" and "her soft pubic hair reminded me of river grass" is still a lot.